

Software Engineer 1 | MAQ Software
I am a Tech Enthusiast. I am an avid learner who is enthusiastic about learning something new each and every day. I am skilled in Miscrosoft Azure Tech Stacks like Databricks, Data Factory, PowerBI and T-SQL. I am also skilled in C & C++ Programming Languages, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React JS. I am also a Competitive Programmer. Looking forward to exploring Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in near future!
Apart from above skills my other hobbies are Calligraphy, Gardening, Reading News-paper, Cricket, Badminton, listening to songs and simply sitting in some random thoughts.

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Sentiment and Emotion Analyzer

This Cloud Application will analyze the emotion and sentiment of any input text or URL by using IBM Watson NLU.
Platform-Web Version-v1.1beta Editor-VS_Code Language-JavaScript

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The Weather App

In this Web Application, users can search any location across the globe and the web page will show the Live Weather Report for that particular location along with the background image based on the weather of that area.
Platform-Web Version-v1.1beta Editor-VS_Code Language-JavaScript

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Priority Based TO DO LIST

This Web Application will consist of UI from which the user will be able to create a new To-Do List and also, assign a priority to the Task. Additionally the application will also list down the total number of task available and is also, have an option to filter the task, based on priorities.
Platform-Web Version-v1.0beta Editor-VS_Code Language-JavaScript

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Realistic Virtual Piano

This Webpage is a real-looking Virtual Piano in which when buttons will be pressed, then the tones will be played. It also has an option to change the colour of the Piano.
Platform-Web Version-v1.0beta Editor-VS_Code Language-JavaScript

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Machine Learning With Python - IBM

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HCL OneDB Foundation Course - HCL

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AI For All - Govt of India/ Intel

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